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10 laws of effective networking

One of the most common ways to increase your influence  from successful people is to become a master networker. 

But it doesn’t always come naturally. Below are 10 pointers to help you get massive value from networking and help you grow your business 

  1. RESEARCH and prepare before the event. ask for a list of people who are going to be there, and connect with them in linked in. Make notes on things that you have in common – to do – download linked in and be proficient 
  2. ICEBREAKERS – Come up with a few standard questions as ice breakers. Seek common ground. What are your common interests. The key is to develop a strong relationship. Referron is a great way to start a conversation – find out what they need and think of someone in your network who you know like and trust and refer them to that person. An immediate value add! – download Referron and be proficient in using it 
  3. GIVE BEFORE YOU GET. Successful networkers goes beyond thinking, “What’s in it for me?” to ask “How can I help?” Who can you refer that person to – make that Referral – do it with Referron within 3 taps of the phone.
  4. LISTEN with intent – be present. The key to networking is NOT to make sure the other person knows everything about you, but rather to make sure that you know more about what they do 
  5. DEVELOP YOUR ELEVATOR PITCH. Who are you and what can you offer? What is your personal value proposition and how you can add value to others in 30 -60 seconds . to do – change your mindset – join a BBG forum
  6. ASK TO BE INTRODUCED. Is there someone you know that can introduce you to the person you’re hoping to connect to? A personal introduction makes it easier. 
  7. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. Practice your networking skills whenever you can. The lift, the office kitchen, a friend’s BBQ or your local BBG chapter. All offer a great chance to build your confidence. 
  8. FOLLOW UP. Networking is only the start of the conversation. Send a quick email or connect on LinkedIn within 48 hours of attending an event, and arrange a coffee meeting.  
  9. STAY CONNECTED. Maintaining your job network is just as important as building it. Email them or message them on social media regularly. Email marketing, in my opinion is still the most  effective . Become proficient at emarketing – (contact me and I will refer you to the best emarketing system )
  10. SOCIAL MEDIA – Referron, LinkedIn and Twitter to build your network. Be sure to keep your profile up to date and stay active. Write a regular blog and share it with your audience. Create an account on Blogger! 
BBG trains you to be proficient in the above skills. Join me at the next BBG forum as a guest to see how we roll . http://ift.tt/2h9y8XB;
Posted on December 16, 2016

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