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Become a founding member of our business builders group

If you’d like to attract a lot more referrals in your business, here’s something that may be just the ticket.

Maybe you have been to networking events or referral groups before and found them to be less than effective for attracting leads and customers..

BBG, co-founded by Geoff Hirsh, is completely different. 

The BBG Process is specifically designed to overcome the key challenges that small business owners face when attracting referrals … through their community, unique BBG Structure, Professional Mentoring and Best of Breed Tools.

We are hosting a briefing, with drinks and nibbles,  where you will find out how BBG can help you achieve your growth objectives

When:- on Thursday 18 February 4:30am – 6pm 

Where:-  at the BBG Meeting Venue, Level 7, 14 Martin Place, Sydney, 2000

and I would be delighted if you could join us to learn how you can be a founding member of this community. 

This briefing is limited to 40 guests so make sure you click here to register your interest today.

We look forward to seeing you there.
About Geoff Hirsh 
Geoff is one of Australia’s top marketing consultants, with 8 years corporate marketing experience with Cadbury Schweppes and Duracell and 25 years running his own Marketing Agency – AdMail

Over that 25 years he has worked with literally hundreds of businesses from Top 100 Companies all the way down to owner-operated SME’s, helping his clients win awards for new product launches, loyalty programs, website design, promotions and event management, and others achieve successful share market floats and trade sales.
In the 25 years he has run his own business Geoff estimates that over 80% of his new business has come through referrals.Geoff is currently a member of BNI and The Network Collective and is a past member of The Executive Connection. In putting the Business Builders Group together, Geoff has applied his considerable knowledge and expertise in Referral Marketing to building a model that – I have no doubt – is simply the best available in Australia today.
Posted on February 2, 2016

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Ph: 02 9126 9100  Email: info@bsi.com.au
Level 9, Angel Place,123 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000

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