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LinkedIn Tips to Help Make You a Great Networker, presented by: Bill Brinkle, the Global Uniter and (LinkedIn Expert) at building 30k networks.


Have you ever dreamed of publishing a LinkedIn post, but were afraid to try, because it seemed so complicated?

Well, let me make you feel at ease right now, because creating a LinkedIn blog post is really very simple and a lot of fun……….  

The first thing you will need to do, is make sure you are not using a smart phone to create a blog post.  At the present time, this feature is not available on smart phones.  The second action, will be found on your LinkedIn home page using your computer or laptop.  Click on your Profile icon.  Then scroll down just a little and click on Your Updates.  

Then the next step to complete, is to move your cursor over to the right, where you will see Published Post. Click on this icon.  Then you will see in the upper right hand corner, after your (total number of followers) Publish a Post icon.  Click on that and away you go……….  

At this point, I recommend that you become familiarized with the tool bar.  This tool bar is right below where you can upload a photo to represent your blog post. In this tool bar you can add a video, an image and also a link, in case you want to add a website.   

Now here, is the most important Tip to remember when creating a blog post…You need to be very familiar with the subject matter and content of your post.  I say this, because there are a lot of really smart people on LinkedIn that will challenge you, or ask you questions about your post…You do not want to be caught off guard.

My advice to you, is to have resources available to you at all times.  The most important resource is obviously the internet. You need to be able to research your topic thoroughly, in case someone asks you a tough question.  

Let’s face it, now would not be the time to pack up your stuff and go on a beautiful vacation for a week, with no access to LinkedIn.  This could lead to you being embarrassed, and a bruise to your ego, if people talk badly about your post.

 The last thing you want to do, is create a beautiful blog post and then skip town. This will tarnish your professional reputation really fast.  A key component to having a successful post, is that you Engage with your Audience.  When you develop your writing skills and become skillful at creating blog posts, your followers will want to engage you at every level.  This my friend, is a wonderful feeling. 

You should expect the views to your post to be relatively low when you first start blogging.  Unless you are a gifted writer, like Stephen King, do not feel bad.  With time, the number of people to view your posts will increase.  The better you become at creating posts, the more views you will eventually acquire.

Now, the final point I would like to make, and this is a very important piece of advice, comes from a friend of mine.  His name is David B. Grinberg.  Mr. Grinberg is a Strategic Communications Advisor, Writer/Blogger, and Social Media Strategist.  I will always remember his advice to me, when I started blogging.  David told me something to this effect.  

Bill, do not be consumed with the number of views you have.  Yes, it is natural that we all would prefer a large number of views, but it is really the level of engagement that is of most importance.  What good is it, to have 225,000 views to your post, if only 150 people have commented on it.  This my friends is great advice.  Thank you, David.

In closing, I hope this advice has helped to make you a more informed networker. Also, if you have been thinking about writing your first blog post, Go For It.  You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, in your pursuit of LinkedIn greatness.  

If you would like more valuable information about building a world class 30k LinkedIn network, please click on my official website listed throughout this post.  This website will let you view my credentials as a LinkedIn expert and allow you to preview a sample of what my revolutionary new e-book has to offer you.  May You Live Long and Prosper.  Official website to e-book listed below.


Bill Brinkle, The Global Uniter, and LinkedIn expert.         

Written by

LinkedIn Expert • Author (e-book) • LinkedIn trainer • Conference speaker • Let me help you build your network.

Posted on July 10, 2016

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