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Pip Marlow CEO of Microsoft on change, innovation and staying relevant

Had an inspirational lunch with our CEO peter Mckeon – listening to  Pip Marlow CEO of Microsoft Australia at an Amcham lunch yesterday –
(Thanks Niels Marquardt  and Rob Hossary! )

Pip shared with us how Microsoft is continually changing to stay relevant and keep its market share 

(Pip had 5 slides of awesome pictures, that made a huge impact and enhanced the points she was making – note to self – she had no words on slides!!)

A few gems that she shared:-

1. The Environment
The world is changing at an unprecedented rate – over past frw hundred years – communication from 
– Walking and talking 
– using animals and wheels to get from a to b 
– using mechanical – phones, planes, trains and automobiles
– digital technologies – being able to communicate to billions in seconds – the 4th technological age – Internet and mobile 
– virtual reality / 3 d 

2. A key success factor – solid, stable and inspiring leadership  – Microsoft has had 3 awesome leaders over 40 years that has been driving the direction. 

3. The Burning Platform 
The NOKIA story – unless you stay relevant and change  – no matter how big you are – you will burn. Be willing to jump off and swim to safety – to survive . 

Stay nimble and relevant!

4. The 3 pillars/ bahaviours that are driving Microsoft 
Microsoft want to change from being a
Know it all company 
To a
Learn it all company

If we don’t continue to innovate, change and stay relevant – we will die! 

This doesn’t just happen . Microsoft needs to Instill behaviours and values to ensure this happens 

Pillar 1. Growth 
      – be outcomes/impact focussed vs activities focussed
. It doesn’t matter where or how you work – as long as you are making an impact – and creating positive outcomes . As our cornerman, dr Jeff Spencer says…. 
 It’s impossible to work 365 days a year at peak intensity without becoming ill, injured or burnt out. The old school “no pain, no gain” success mantra hasn’t delivered fully on its promise. This worn out recital needs to be replaced with a contemporary “smarter is better” manifesto. One great day is worth a thousand mediocre ones. Balance your difficult and easy days so you can think smart to win big.

   – destroy silos – make 1 Microsoft ….you don’t work together…. you’re out! Breakdown walls
increasing collaboration 

       – make a point of using and acknowledging other ideas  of your own – increasing collaboration 

Pillar 2.  Be customer focussed
– it’s ok to  integrate with competition if it adds value to client 
– leave time and capacity to listen to customers
 – get feedback and change product,  just in time – great example of how Zara does that – (they plan for max 75pc capacity and leave 25pc to act immediately on customer feedback – they train their team to ask questions, get feedback and have designers on tap to make customer feedback changes and suggestions immediately! )

Pillar 3. diversity and inclusiveness 
We strive to create a culture where everyone can be themselves and where people can be and do their best . It doesn’t matter where they work and what they look like – as long as they align with our values, achieve outcomes and create positive impacts! (Great story about a few member working from the outback in Canada ) 

Diverse team working together can create magic .

Posted on September 8, 2016

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