Had an inspirational lunch with our CEO peter Mckeon – listening to Pip Marlow CEO of Microsoft Australia at an Amcham lunch yesterday –
(Thanks Niels Marquardt and Rob Hossary! )
Pip shared with us how Microsoft is continually changing to stay relevant and keep its market share
(Pip had 5 slides of awesome pictures, that made a huge impact and enhanced the points she was making – note to self – she had no words on slides!!)
A few gems that she shared:-
1. The Environment
The world is changing at an unprecedented rate – over past frw hundred years – communication from
– Walking and talking
– using animals and wheels to get from a to b
– using mechanical – phones, planes, trains and automobiles
– digital technologies – being able to communicate to billions in seconds – the 4th technological age – Internet and mobile
– virtual reality / 3 d
2. A key success factor – solid, stable and inspiring leadership – Microsoft has had 3 awesome leaders over 40 years that has been driving the direction.
3. The Burning Platform
The NOKIA story – unless you stay relevant and change – no matter how big you are – you will burn. Be willing to jump off and swim to safety – to survive .
Stay nimble and relevant!
4. The 3 pillars/ bahaviours that are driving Microsoft
Microsoft want to change from being a
Know it all company
To a
Learn it all company
If we don’t continue to innovate, change and stay relevant – we will die!
This doesn’t just happen . Microsoft needs to Instill behaviours and values to ensure this happens
Pillar 1. Growth
– be outcomes/impact focussed vs activities focussed . It doesn’t matter where or how you work – as long as you are making an impact – and creating positive outcomes . As our cornerman, dr Jeff Spencer says….