The recruiter who gets it – is gold !!
Getting the right people for the right job is key to enable any business to survive and thrive.
“My recruitment plus” is the best of breed of technology that helps you achieve this – for pennies! This Technology – enables you to have a virtual recruitment firm on your web – it will help grow your database with relevant people – it does this by keyword-matching, mega-social media access , artificial intelligence and a whole lot more. It will even provide your Onboarding system for your HR functions!
The future, and the now, of recruitment, is where cutting-edge technology such as “my recruitment plus” merges with the most sophisticated human influencing skills.
There will always be a place for an outstanding recruiter – which is like gold for any organisation.
Communication, information, persuasion, advising and credibility is needed.
Automation has already sliced away big chunks of a recruiters job.
The magic happens at the key “moments of truth” and the great recruiter is super-skilled at those key ‘moments of truth’ – where outcomes are shaped and deals are done.
The recruiter will manage a counter-offer or qualify a job-order – something that technology can never do!!
The recruiter is a champion of influence, control, advice, sophisticated persuasion based on knowledge and experience, and is able to manage outcomes for the greater good of all parties.
A great recruiter who loves and understands these skills – will have fun, money, self esteem.. and a long career.
If you are that person – we would love to chat with you!
Posted on January 8, 2019