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What is BBG?


BBG is much more than a run-of-the-mill “Networking” or “Referral Marketing” group. In a very real sense it is a “Collaboration”. One that helps SME owners and leaders to develop and grow their businesses.

Each BBG Chapter of 20 – 30 non-competing members meets once a month at a breakfast forum; where they network, mastermind, learn and co-operatively overcome business challenges in a way that helps them get to know, like and trust oneanother.

Each Forum is run by a professional facilitator,  and is supported by best-of-breed referral tools and training resources.

From the first Forum you attend, you will walk away with new skills and insights that will help you grow your businesses.

Then, over time, as the other members get to know like and trust you, the collaborations will begin to flourish and the referrals will begin to flow.

BBG members own or manage cashflow positive businesses and are looking to take their business “to the next level”. They are not solo operators struggling to make a profit.

If this sounds like your business and you believe in “the spirit of generosity” and the concept of “paying it forward” we would love to hear from you.

Membership is by invitation only, and all applications are carefully screened to ensure complementary, non-competing businesses are grouped.


Posted on February 27, 2017

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