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WHat is your USP?

Your uniqueness separates you from competitors in the minds
of customers. How does your service or product better service your client than anyone else?

Identify your Unique Sales Proposition (USP)  or “Point of Difference” from the customers

Give them a compelling reason to buy!

It goes without saying that you need to have as a standard
minimum, a great product or service, and a story of how your product or service
is special and why your customer should trust you.

5 Pointers to help you create  and promote your Unique Sales Proposition
  1. Identify your target customers            
  2. What customers pain do you solve?
  3. List three customer benefits by using your product or service. (from the clients perspective)
  4. Are any
    of these benefits unique or better than your competitors;
  5. Make a
    list of the ways to communicate and promote what makes you unique eg, website,
    brochures, emarketing, webinars, events, seminars,  on-hold messages.

What is your Unique Selling Proposition? For the best
answer, I will arrange you to promote your business in Spark Magazine (www.sparkmag,co) on a video, that can also be
posted on your website and other social network sites!
Posted on September 11, 2018

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