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a Monetisation & Growth Framework for Disruptive Subscription Companies Focused on Scaling


Building an effective pricing strategy can make a huge difference to whether an organisation is able to achieve its growth ambitions.  Monetisation is the most effective lever of profitable growth (4 times more effective than acquisition), yet companies spend less than 10 hours per year on this critical piece of work, consequently leaving huge amounts of money on the table by way of uncaptured value.  For SaaS companies, the stats are even worse, with an average of only 6 hours spent on pricing strategy over the life of the business!

Most companies are not using pricing to its full potential. We all know pricing is important, but because it is complicated, and often intimidating, we choose an overly simplistic approach. 

 Ayon Bhattacharyya presented a Monetisation & Growth Framework for Disruptive Subscription Companies Focused on Scaling. 

The talk was held on 27 October 2022 AND then followed by a thinktank with members of our Nexttech Transformation Forum – who shared their insights on how Ayon’s strategies could help them and their clients. 

Here is the playlist. 

Ayon Bhattacharyya’s brief biography

Ayon is an experienced Revenue Leader and Monetisation & Growth expert with significant success in unlocking profit and growth potential through value innovation, positioning, packaging, and profit-optimal pricing strategies. Ayon is a CIMA qualified accountant and recently gained his Executive MBA from a US-based business school.  Drawing upon two decades of business leadership experience within the corporate sector in the UK, Australia, and NZ, with brands such as Westpac, Hoyts, Trade Me and Equifax, Ayon now works with CEO’s, business owners and senior executives of mid-sized disruptive growth companies to assist them with finding and monetising their competitive advantage.

As the founder of consulting firm Biz Growth Spurt, Ayon has a strong track record of helping tech & SaaS companies win more business at higher prices, achieving significantly higher valuations by improving their pricing power.

Posted on October 31, 2022

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