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Latest from the BSI VC Blog

November 20, 2022

Female founders raising funds

Thanks Simmie Swil and Nathan Beckford https://www.linkedin.com/posts/nathanbeckord_venturecapital-founders-startups-activity-6980954525826252800-WLSu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios In 2021, investments in companies founded by women reached over $30 B for the first time. (VatorNews) But while that may seem like good news, consider this: Female founders secured only 2% of venture capital in the U.S. in 2021, the

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November 20, 2022

Sundrive rsises $21m from blue chip investors

Founders David Hu and Vince Allen Of Solar Disrupter Sun Drive has nabbed the whole who of investors in their latest $2m round 

Investors include 

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull Canva co-founder Cameron Adams Atlassian s Mike Cannon-Brookes Blackbird Ventures  Chinese-Australian solar pioneer Dr

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November 20, 2022

Square Peg raises $500m – bodes well for Australian Innovation

Paul Bassat and his team at Square Peg have closed another $500m fund!!! Congrats A great time to invest in great companies and favourable valuations !!! Maybe allocate a bit to a be a “fund of funds” to incubation funds -  who can seed startups with between 50k to 500k Maybe matched with government

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November 20, 2022

Blackbird has another $1b to invest !

  Blackbird's latest $1B AUD fund signals maturation of Australian, New Zealand venture scene by @rebeccabellan This is Blackbird’s fifth fund, and it’s double the size of the VC’s last fund which closed in August 2020.  General Partner Sam Wong says “ Let's ignore the doom and gloom on

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Ph: 02 9126 9100  Email: info@bsi.com.au
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