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Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn creates the code of the internet on the back of an envelope

Great article about Vint Cerf in the The Wall Street Journal . 
Together with Robert Kahn they “Created  software code that has “transformed global commerce” by creating the internet – on Jan. 1, 1983, the date often called “the birthday of the internet.” 
The internet’s fundamental architecture—the communications protocol that allows computer networks all over the world to talk to each other—remains essentially the same. 
This is largely thanks to a design that Vint Cerf sketched on the back of an envelope while holed up with fellow computer scientist Robert Kahn in a Palo Alto cabana nearly 50 years ago.
Vint recalls jumping up and down and saying, 

🍾“It works! It works!” “Anytime software works it’s a miracle,” 

To hasten its spread, Dr. Cerf and Dr. Kahn decided not to patent it or have the government declare it classified. 
😎“We wanted it to become an international standard,”
On #cybersecurity and #privacy  
🤔Vint says that we need more tools “to defend our safety and security and privacy” and that businesses should do more to rein in trolling, bullying, lying and spying on the internet. But he insists that there is no easy technological fix. 
💥“This is a sociological and psychological problem as well,” he argues. “We need more critical thinking.” The bugs, in essence, are human, too.
Appeared in the December 17, 2022, print edition as ‘Vint Cerf’. In the wsj 
Another wicked problem we need to solve is climate action and sustainability ……. We were honoured to have vint cerf share a think Frank with Herman Gyr, Ph.D. And our #bbgforum identifying ways we can take #climateaction  
 vint cerf i4j Innovation for Jobs by IIIJ Foundation #bbgforum 

The Wall Street Journal

Posted on December 18, 2022

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