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How to get the Golden chain of referrals… referral after referral after referral!!

I listened to a great video of Brian Tracy on referrals
The most effective way to grow your business is if your clients and friends would recommend you to others… a warm lead is worth 15 – 25 times a cold call.
Levitt of Harvard said that the most valuable asset of a business is its reputation  –it is the heart of the brand – how do customers think about your product and service? – how do they talk about you there when you are not there?
This is a key question that you should be asking your clients…..
Based on your experience with us, how would you rate us between 1 – 10.
  • If 9 – they will come back and refer friends
  • If 6-8 – they might come back , but will not refer – ask them what you can next time to make their experience a 9 or a 10!
  • If 1 – 6 – they won’t come back , and will tell their frinds not to come and buy from you – they will be detractors!! – ask them what you can next time to make their experience a 9 or a 10! Then you do it… then thank customer – did what you said and make part of your policy…
If you are rated 9 or 10 – Ask them for a referral to  1 or 2 people… Remember, when a person gives you a referral they are risking there reputation.. you have a responsibility to that referral partner, to provide a brilliant service to their lead!!
So, in summary….
  • ASK customers how they rate you
  • If less than 9 – what can you do to make the service a 9 or a 10 – and improve your product or service accordingly…. Fix up your systems and processes
  • If 9 or 10 , who are 1 or 2 others that they can recommend!
  • Thank your customers for referrals , and for their recommendations to improve. Referron can be  a brilliant tool to make it easy for your customers to refer to you!

Posted on June 23, 2013

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