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How to make it easy for your client to refer!

http://jason-norris.tumblr.com/ article by Jason  Morris

How do you go from “thank you for the referral” to transitioning it into a paying client? 

Often times, your current Clients know of people within their circle/network who need the services you offer.  Often times Clients will even tell you about a prospect “my friend is looking for someone like you to…”  Problem is, often times Clients get caught up, get busy and forget to connect you with the prospect. 
In this case, if you don’t want to lose the prospect, you need to take initiative.  Don’t just wait for your Client to make the connection for you, it might never happen. And, if it doesn’t happen, it does you no good! 
The simplest way to transition a Client referral into a prospect is to take action immediately.  Thank them for the referral, and don’t be shy to tell them how referrals are a big part of how your business grows.  Politely offer your Client to contact the prospect via e-mail directly so this way you can answer any questions they may have right then and there. 
Also, let your Client know that in your e-mail communication to the prospect you will let them know that the referral comes from them.
Be sure to highlight what you’ve done for the referring client.  
Lastly, when booking your initial meeting with you prospect do so on neutral territory.  I once read that the best way to introduce your new pet to your current pet is on a level playing field, so in other words, anywhere unfamiliar to both pets.  I feel the best way to meet prospects is to do so on a level playing field, too.  Most people will not turn down mid-afternoon caffeine, and I get a better sense of them in an informal setting than I do in a corporate conference room.
Posted on July 1, 2013

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