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Ineffective Marketing and how to stand out in Social Media

A great post by Steve Ballantyne 

Are you being stimmied by ineffective marketing?

  • Ineffective marketing is like an awful first date.
  • It’s pushy and tells you what you should want.
  • Puts its own needs before yours.
  • It’s insensitive.
There is no incentive to stick around. 
On the other hand, an ideal first date can lead to a second date and a long-term relationship.

Here’s how to do it: 

  • Be attentive to what your audience wants.
  • Anticipate their needs – because you paid attention to who they are.
  • Be mindful of the message you send, both in language and appearance.
  • Woo your audience, not your ego, to create lasting relationships.
#marketing https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sballantyne_marketing-activity-7038931977751707649-vpX8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios

How do you stand out in Social Media – Insta , Linkedin and Facebook?


On Wednesday the 29th March , join Sydney’s leading Social Media Gurus as they share their secrets on how to stand out in Social Media. 

Holi Jade – talking InstagramKaren Tisdell – talking Linkedin and Matthew Mackow talking Facebook 

This will be a face to face event (in Lindfield ) and on Zoom. 

This is a forum not to be missed….. even if you take home one takeaway…. This could be a game changer.  


Posted on March 7, 2023

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