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Networking is so much more than swopping your business cards

So what is Networking?

Is Networking really going to functions and meeting people then giving each other Business Cards that we never look at again?


So you’ve met someone who really would utilise your services – once you have generated the contact – its what you do next that Books the Business!

To be honest, once you’ve met this person who would be an “Ideal” Client – its up to you to build the trust over time. You have to build a relationship with your new friend. A relationship where you get to know what he does and he gets to know what you do. You need to work at building Trust and a relationship or friendship, a connection with this person. 

When the time is right. When your friend ,found at a networking function, has a problem and you have built a friendship with this person by keeping in touch, your friend – When the time is right – they are thinking who do I know who can help me with this problem – Since you have kept in contact regularly and built trust – they will think ” I know …. They pick up the phone and give you a call. 

Then if you have your pricing right and you can have simple sales conversations, you will Book the Business. 

So Networking is So much more than exchanging cards ……… Its about building connections ,  friendships,  connections and building TRUST. When they need your help, they will give you a call or go into a sales conversation when you call. 

In the BookYourselfSolid®, once you’ve made a connection – you share in regular monthly emails –

1. Share your compassion 
2. Share someone in your network 
3. Share an article or something you know

You can even take it up a notch by sending books or article that will be of interest to your network – or at least a special connection within your network.

You don’t need a lot of connections, at BookYourselfSolid®, we talk about the List of 90 – just work with the connections within your network and by building the connection and trust level, you will build your business. 

Adrienne McLean, BookYourselfSolid® Certified Coach, is a Marketing Skills expert helping Business Professionals with Marketing and Client generation by using the world famous BookYourselfSolid® system. See – www.thespeakerspractice.com.au

Adrienne is the President of the Hornsby Chamber of Commerce running regular networking events in the Northern Suburbs of Sydney. See www.hornsbybusiness.com.au


Posted on June 20, 2015

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