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Referron to your social network contacts soon! Exciting stuff

In the next version of the app we will have integration with LinkedIn so that you could refer:
– LinkedIn to LinkedIn
– LinkedIn to another contact in your address book (or typed in manually)
– An address book contact to someone connected to you on LinkedIn

We’re moving away from having another list of connections in Referron and instead helping to make it easy for you to refer people from your address book, Facebook (which I see you don’t use for business) and LinkedIn. We see that you have the names of these people already and shouldn’t need to add them all to Referron. Our app works out whether they are a Referron user or not and sends the referral and invitation at the same time.

Just a note that LinkedIn doesn’t give us access to someone’s email address. Therefore when you refer two of your LinkedIn contacts to each other, if they have not yet joined Referron, then only their Name and LinkedIn profile will be sent to each other. If they both later join, then their other details will be made available.
Posted on August 2, 2013

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