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Steps to Signing up to referron

Register for referron  (either on the phone by downloading the referron app on the “app store” or “google play” or on www.referron.com)
Updating information on the phone:-

Register from the Phone App
  • 1.      Download the App
  • 2.      Sign up with your email (if you have not signed in before or login with your email if you already have registered with Referron)
  • 3.      Register with your email and tel #, and create a password. 
  • 4.     Allow Referron to Cache your contacts on your phone, so that you are able to refer people from your contact list… making it easy to refer people in your contacts to people that you know like and trust. 
  •         Complete Profile… click picture and take picture of yourself,

You should now be ready to refer

  •   If you want to send a VCard to somebody – press “send vcard” on Left Hand Side of Page. This will send an sms of your vcard that will enable your contact to update your details on their phone. It will also invite them to connect with you on referon! 
  •    Under menu, you can review all the vcards that you have sent – keeping track of the people you send cards to!
  •     Press “Service Seeker” (who do you want to refer) – this will take you to your contact list, groups, linked in or add a new user to find your service seeker and choose that person (its generally best to type in name and press the blue search button)
  •     Press “”Service Provider (who do you want to refer this person to?) – this will take you to your contact list, groups, linked in or add a new user to find your service seeker and choose that person (its generally best to type in name and press the blue search button)
  •     Type in a message
  •     Press send referral

   Each party will get an email, and that referral will be tracked by all parties in their respective referron portals on the referron website! 


  •    GO TO MENU ON TOP right hand side of page
    •    My Profile – update your profile at any time 
    •    Connections – review profiles of your connections
    •    Activities –
      •    Review all your activities on referron
      •    Redeem rewards that have been issued 
      •    Update the status of the referrals 
    •    Messages – review and respond to your referron messsages
    •    Add a new Contact
    •    Invite a person on referron via SMS
    •    Review your sent VCARD List
    •    Settings – 
      •    Social connections – connect with facebook and linked in
      •    Update your rewards that you want to give your champion and your leads
      •    Default messages – to make your message faster – you can create default messages
      •    Accesibility – Adjust font size of the app
      •    Send feedback to our developers so we can improve the app. Also see frequently asked questions to help you with your user experience
      •    Cache settings – sync your groups – if you have updated your contact list and want to update your referron list on your phone. 
    • In suummary
  • Connections – Invite people to connect or check your connections – by clicking going to the menu button on the top right hand side of the page and click “Connections” or sending them a VCard
  • Referpeople from  linkedin contacts, phone contacts or new contacts, your favourites, your existing Referron connections or groups that you belong to.
  • Manage – The activities button enables you to identify all activities that has occurred on your Referron account. You are able to manage your referrals (which will update your referral CRM) , and redeem your rewards from your phone

The messaging function allows organisations that are connected to you, to send you offers.  

  • Click the messaging function to see who has sent you a message.
  • click reply to message the sender back (Button on RHS)
  • click R to refer the sender to someone that you know (Button in Middle)
  • Call to action on the right (button on LHS)
  • The LHS putton has an option to login to your portal
From the Website Portal 
Go to your web portal (Login at www.referron.com)
Once you have registered (or register directly from the portal)
Go to Profile
  •          Fill out your profile on your portal 
  •           Connect to Linked and Facebook contacts
  •           Download your logos and public profiles 
  • ·        You have the ability to change your profiles,logos,emails and passwords

Go to Public Profile
·         Create or change your public url (this is your link that will enable your connections to connect with you on Referron) 
·         Create a story (a few sentences about you, who you are and what you are about)
Go to Rewards
·         Create rewards for your champions and leads
·         Manage your rewards online
Go to Build your Network
·         Send Invitations via email or sms
·         Use the website buttons to promote your Referron portal on your websites, blogs and email signatures
·         Import Contacts – You have the ability to import contacts from your lists
Go to Referral Activity
This is your Referron CRM , that you can measure, track and comment on your referrals received and sent . All info can be exported via APIs or CSV files to your servers or CRMs 
Go to Dashboard
This gives you analytics of your referral activity
Managing Referrals of a group or Company
For those of you who wish to create and manage referrals of a specific group, and enable members of a group to be connected with each other. 
Referron has the capability to manage and measure referrals of a company or network group 

For those of you who wish to create specific groups for your connections to have access to each other, this can be done (create your own “inner circle” or “referral network” )

Send messages direct to the mobile phones of your connections or group you select – instant, direct and in their hand at the click of a button.  
  • Create messages and call to actions from the Message tab in your members portal.
    • These messages can be sent to all your connections or specific groups that you choose.
    • You are able to create normal text messaging, html messaging or emails direct from websites
    • You can create your own call to action buttons. 
  • Review your messages received, sent and archived
For more information about referron and how to use it, these links may be useful…

Happy referring!

Posted on July 29, 2013

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