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The current system will go the way of the dodo

From a Facebook feed :- Yanni Konstantinopolus….
There will be a time, hopefully soon, when we will have a social revolution and the whole political system will go the way of the Dodo. 
What will rise in its place? I think it’s time for the obvious – a humanitarian system, because, lo and behold, we are all humans, and, as such, we need a system that is relevant to us, engages us and looks after us – all of us.
The political systems seems only to take care of the politicians, anybody else that benefits seems to do so by an off chance that doesn’t often last.
My comment:- 
Progress starts with desire!
We need a system that is relevant to us, engages us and looks after all of us! – Luvit – is the current mode of 9-5 jobs doing it for us? Are jobs for pay necessary to live a fulfilling life ?  #i4j #burningman
What do you think?
Posted on September 5, 2015

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