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10 things you need to do to secure the funding needed for their business to survive and thrive

1.    Get to know your investor before asking for funding. understand the investor and present the information, the style of the pitch, in a way the investor wants it.
2.   Know your market and your customer . What value will your product bring to the customer?
3.   Be ambitious – not conservative…. This is about investing in a disruptive technology…. Its not a me too business…. It’s a binary play … o or won!
4.   Management and skills of the team is key. The product can be great… but if you have a shit team… you can kiss your investment goodbye. Ideally find someone who has done this before.
5.   Know your 30 second pitch. Know your “why” “what” “who” and ” how”
6.   Know your numbers
7.   This needs to be globally scalable!
8.   Needs to be a pain killer and not a vitamin
9.   Pitch the benefits to the client not the features of the product
10. How much money I am going to make and by when?
Posted on March 11, 2013

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