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10 Ways To Increase Your Leadership Lid

1. Give Credit & Take Blame:  Give credit where credit is due and take responsibility. Don’t be afraid to ssay “My Bad” or “It’s My Fault!”

2.Embrace Your Team : There is no “I” in team and teamwork makes the dream work.

3. Take Risks.  Your risks can be calculated or not,  playing it safe does not cut the mustard!!

4. Challenge things that you think nneed change:  Don’t be afraid to challenge. This can be the process of leading-up or leading-down.

5.Stay Calm:  When you are wrong – you have no right to be angry…. when you are right you have no need to be angry!!Remember the 3C’s in all situations – Cool, Calm & Collected. 

6. Empower Your Team:   Don’t be a micro-manager.

7. Get To Know Your Team Members On A Personal Level:  Know what’s going on in the lives of your team members outside of work.  Know their interests, their children’s interests… To know is to care.

8. Take Time To Develop Your Team Members Leadership Skills : Leadership development isn’t a system but rather an on-going act of moving people from where they are to where they need to be. If you want your overall leadership capacity to increase, you must increase the capacity of those around you.  Leadership development isn’t optional, it’s a necessity.

9. Surround Yourself With The Best:  Be willing to hire people that may be smarter, sharper, and  better leaders than you are. Empower those people to strengthen your team and compliment your leadership.

10. LISTEN: – same letters as SILENT!!

 What are some other ways to increase your leadership skills?

Posted on July 20, 2012

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