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10X Leadership Insights – 13 February 2013

An awesome Insight from the founder of 10X Leadership on his way to the “John Maxwell Live Training”

Best of luck Ivan Ang (interesection between preparation and opportunity) ….
Looking forward to a major debrief!!
You are amazing!!

Ivan Ang – Wednesday, 13 February 2013, 02:16 PM
I’m writing this in the lounge inside Sydney International airport, awaiting my flight to the USA to attend the John Maxwell Team Live Training. I am so excited about this trip and have no doubt that I will once again learn lots from the highly experienced faculty members, not to mention from John Maxwell himself.

He mentioned that he will be speaking on Transformational Leadership. I haven’t done much research into this topic so can’t wait to hear what he has to say.

This trip certainly has been a stretch financially for me at a time when 10X Leadership is still relatively young. Some have questioned why I would spend money at a time like now on going to the US to attend another training workshop when I could be more focused on building my business. Those people do not understand that if I am not prepared to invest in myself, in my own personal and professional growth, how can I expect to ask my clients to do likewise?

I had a coaching client that told me this week that she has a new job interview and in her email, she asked me to wish her luck. I told her, “Luck is the intersection of Preparation and Opportunity”. I really believe that.

What are you doing today that is going to prepare you for when that next big opportunity comes around? What are you doing about your personal and professional growth? When was the last time you attended a seminar that really challenged you? Do you have a coach that will push you and encourage you to climb the next mountain and reach even greater heights?

The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people, I believe, is that successful people are already prepared when presented with an opportunity. However, for unsuccessful people, when opportunity comes, it’s too late and they find themselves complaining that others seem to be more “lucky”. Don’t let that be you.

If you are not sure what you can do to develop yourself and those around you, please email me at ivan.ang@10x.com.au. It would be my pleasure to point you in the right direction.

Have an awesome week. I will see if I can write my next insights from the JMT Live Training and share some highlights.

Yours in Success,

Ivan Ang

Posted on February 13, 2013

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