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12 reasons why vacation time is good for our brains,

By Kristin Piombino – http://m.prdaily.com/Main/Articles/21086.aspx

The expression says to “work hard, play hard.”

The infographic reports that although 92 percent of employees clock more than 40 hours of work per week, 57 percent have unused vacation time at year-end.

A full 40 percent of workers say they can’t justify taking time off. If you’re among that 40 percent, please pay attention.

The infographic lists 12 reasons why vacation time is good for our brains, so the next time you try to talk yourself out of taking some time off, read a few of them. They include startling statistics, such as:

  • People who take annual vacations reduce their risk of disease by 21 percent.
  • Men who skip vacations several years in a row increase their risk of a heart attack by 30 percent.
  • Giving your brain time to relax improves your ability to memorize and learn new skills.
  • Studies show that the more vacation time you take, the better you perform at work.

Check out the full infographic for more:

(View a larger image.)

Posted on July 18, 2016

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