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If you are a first home loan owner, you are in danger of missing out on benefits of up to $17,990. See below for more details.  Please feel free to phone Michael Luca of  Liquidity Finance on 02 92902777 or click here to set up a complimentary financial health check.

The NSW government has made changes to the First Home Benefits for First Home Buyers in the State Budge which was announced earlier in 2011.

Under the changes, any first home buyer who EXCHANGES on a property after 1st of January 2012, will NOT be eligible for the stamp duty concessions of up to $17,990, unless the property has never been occupied.

If you are thinking of purchasing your first home, now is the time to speak to us! Lenders have come to the party with higher LVR’s (Up to 95% in some cases) and lower interest rates. We have also seen discounts of 1% off the Standard Variable Rates for some lenders, which will hopefully make the dream of owning your home a real possibility.

If you are not a First Home Buyers, but know someone who is, it is important that you share this information with them.

Also, if you are not a First Home Buyer and have an existing home loan, following the Melbourne Cup Interest Rate decision by the RBA to reduce rates, we have seen lenders become more competitive for your business, through “Jumbo” discounts and heavily reduced fixed rates.

A 10 minutes phone call with us, could save you a considerable amount. When is the last time you had a “Home Loan Health Check”.

We are always available to take your call and talk to you about any enquiry regarding your new and existing lending needs.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Michael Luca
Mortgage Broker
Suite 701, Level 7, 14 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000
GPO BOX 4013 Sydney NSW 2001

P: +61 2 9290 2777
D: +61 2 8203 0426
M: 0405 113 543
F: +61 2 9262 5788

Posted on November 21, 2011

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