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3. Simple Ways to navigate Change

by Tanya Lacy
Change. It’s happening everywhere around us. So where is the anchor point?
Here are 3 Ways To Navigate Change & Not Lose Yourself.
Really spend time understanding what your own personal anchors are. For instance, do you enjoy a walk first thing in the morning? Reading inspirational material on rising? Writing in a journal? What is it you do every single day, no matter what, that helps you find yourself? Locate these one or two things and deliberately make them your anchor.
What do you read that makes you feel happy? What is it that you watch or listen to that makes you feel happy? What inspires you? What makes you feel good? When was the last time you really laughed? There is definitely a lot of negative press and energy around the planet currently. Choose very carefully what you place your attention on. What you focus on expands. So without being ignorant, skim the headlines, and deliberately select what you digest. Protect your own happiness. Take responsibility for what you focus your thoughts on. Garbage in, garbage out. Happiness in, happiness out.
3…Bite size bits
Yes, small steps are really the answer. And one day at a time is also part of this.
In this world of bite off more than you can chew, and chew fast, try smaller bites and chew longer. Take more smaller more manageable steps. It’s ok to do that. In-fact you’ll find you’ll achieve a bunch more in smaller chunks. In a chat with a client last week, we talked about blocking out 20 minutes at a time per task. Then getting up having a break and moving to another task. It’s amazing what we can accomplish in 20 minute chunks. Bite off less and chew longer.
In these interesting times we live in, with whirlwind of change around us, focus on what is in your control right now. And even that may change. So, take it easy on yourself.
Find your anchor points. Your little routines. Focus on the little things that make you happy daily. Do things in bite size bits.
And just to make you smile, as Robin William’s character Mork would say…Nanu Nanu
Or in the spirit of bit size bits, Nano Nano!
About the Author
Tanya Lacy is an Australian Business Woman, International Business Writer and Founder of Intercept Experience. She shares themes and insights from 18 years as confidante to CEO’s, Business Leaders & Business Owners. Follow @tanyalacy.
Currently she’s doing a lot of work with people in transition, including herself.
Posted on October 12, 2014

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