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4 reasons why people who live by the Law of Abundance are happy!

By Ron Mercer who authored “The Corporate Soul Handbook” www.thecorporatesoulhandbook.com 

Do you live by the Law of Abundance or The Law of Scarcity? 

People who live by The Law of Scarcity tend to not only save but hoard.  They do not share, are very secretive and generally  have negative attitudes.

People who live by The Law of Abundance are generally happier because the believe and act as if there is enough for everyone.

They do not quarrel on whether the glass is half full or half empty.  They believe all cups can be overflowing!  That’s what they focus on… overflowing! In other words, there is enough… whatever… in the cup that it is easy for them to share.  

1. They share their knowledge, their experience, their time and their passion for excelling.  They overflow with much for many.

2. They are not looking for credit or recognition. They are looking for ways to succeed with the entire T.E.A.M.  That is how they get their joy by helping and seeing others succeed.

3. Their belief in abundance is transparent.  They believe there is no need to keep talent or information secretive.  These people open up, do not shut things down.  They do not fear failure.  They treasure success.  Success for everyone not just themselves.

4. They live life with an attitude of gratitude.  These people are grateful for what they have not resentful for what they do not have.  They are Victors not Victims.  They are comfortable with who they are and what they are doing.

In summary :-

 Their focus is outward not inward, they share, they want the best for everyone, they are grateful and they are comfortable.  The next time you are feeling low, left out, left behind or unappreciated change your focus from inward to outward and embrace The Law Of Abundance !!

Posted on September 24, 2015

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