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4 way to get people to join your group on Facebook

From www.rainmakermediaworks.com

Here is my strategy for using Facebook Groups to reach my readers and new readers:

Use this checklist to get started using Groups to promote your blog posts on Facebook:

  1. Find Groups
    • Groups with people who will read your content (for Hydrangea Hippo, that is scrapbooking, DIY, craft groups)
    • Groups with people who will share your content (blogging groups, giveaway sharing groups, link sharing groups)
    • Groups for other communities you might belong to in real life (your local community, ad networks, blogging groups, business newtworking clubs, etc)
    • Use the search function on Facebook to find Groups by searching for keywords
  2. Interact in the Groups
    • Start commenting on other people’s posts and make a relationship
    • Get familiar with the rules, who the players are in the Groups, and who the Group owner is so you can proceed with proper ettiquette
    • Introduce yourself to the Group with a post
  3. Post in the Groups
    • Wait at least a couple days to post your first post promoting your blog in the Group – I have seen people post really fast (okay, I have done it too) and it comes off as spammy
    • Make sure you follow the rules
    • Sometimes they have special days you can post links on or they “pin a post” at the top of the page where you can post your links for the day
    • If you post a link be sure to reciprocate – visit 3-5 of the other links posted if not all of them if you have time.
    • If you are not sure if something is okay to post, ask the Group owner or post it with a note saying that you aren’t sure if it is okay to post so can they please delete if it is not ok to post.

Monitor your analytics and traffic to see where your referrals are coming from and to see if Facebook is starting to bring more traffic. Adjust the Groups you post in and how often you post to get different results.

At the end of the day, Facebook still has more active adult users than any other social network so it is worth investing your time and energy there to reach new and existing readers.

Posted on July 8, 2014

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