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5 gems from world leading guru George Kohlrieser

I had the privilige and honour of having a few drinks with 2 leadership gurus of our time – Allen Pathmarajah And  George Kohlrieser. 

Georges keynote at The world business forum in Sydney was inspiring (allen speaks Tuesday 3 June on how executives can become inspired leaders )

these were some of the takeouts, 

1. Provide a safe base – a leader needs to create a safe base to enable people to take risks , change and grow – trust is key to drive change

You cannot expect a team that is full of fear and who are not allowed to fail – to be creative, to innovate and to dare.

 -care to Dare

2-  conflict is not a bad thing – it’s a difference of opinion – it’s how you handle that conflict and the power of language that will make a leader great
3 you cannot fail if you don’t give up! You can achieve anything 
4.  create bonds and build relationships 
5. balance your life and enjoy the ride 
Posted on May 29, 2014

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