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5 reasons why you should do what you love

Inspiration by Ronsley Vaz
Do what you love and you will never work another day in your life!  (Not sure who said that) 
Below are  5 reasons why you should do what you love…

1. The Flow Derivative

Do what you love and the universe  help you along the way. It will send the right people you need to talk to (see reason 2), and it will assist in removing obstacles – something happens.

2. The Attraction Principle

Build and it will come! Once you are in flow, you start attracting the right people and the right opportunities. 
Think successful and successful people will be attracted to you – (manage your state – Anthony Robbins is big on this)

3. The Time Illusion

When I was an auditor , I would think that at least 2 hours had passed, and would look at the clock it would only be 15 minutes. We’ve all been in the position where we don’t want to get out of bed to do what’s on the agenda for the day. 
However, once you do what you love, there isn’t enough time to make all your ideas happen. You are just like a pig in shit!
Time just flies.

4. The Decision Clarity

When you love what you do, and you have clarity – decision making suddenly becomes easier. It becomes easier because you are so aware of your priorities and why they matter, why you are the best person to do what you are doing, and most importantly who you are serving. When you know all that, the decisions that you are making become easier.
Even if you ale the wrong decision – you fail – change and move on to thee right decision …. Failing forward and growing!

5. The Authentic Factor

When you love what you do, you can’t hide the excitement from your eyes when you talk about it. 
You have passion
In fact there will be people that ask you to not talk about it. Why? Well, it makes them uncomfortable. Your job isn’t to worry about those people, but the people that want to hear from you and about what you do. When you do what you love, you will attract the people that want you – and, lots of them.
Posted on July 27, 2015

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