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Australia deserves strong leaders

The anxieties, apprehension and wild behaviour of our politicians in this peaceful, prosperous and sparsely populated with abundant resources – affectionately known as “The lucky country” that we call Australia – is confusing!

We have 
  • 27 years of growth
  • Services and infrastruture amazing
  • Education and Universities up with the best in world 
  • Plethora of incubators popping up supporting startups
  • An Educated and highly skilled workforce 
  • Major resources and agricultural power
  • Best lifestyle with people wanting to live here 
  • Tourist destination that have the rest of the world wanting to visit 
  • A desire to have a deeper influence on the world – to make a difference – 
  • Our emissions are less than 1/2pc of total world’s and yet we are vigilant at focussing our energy on saving the planet with new energy – at the expense of the public’s pockets with increased energy prices 
And yet our politicians (liberal,labour and greens) who have the honour to look after the country and it’s people – expels this constant self destruction and discomfort of our nation – and in so doing brings out the fear uncertainty and doubt of the leaders and its people – which threaten the resilience of this amazing nation that we call Australia. 

These politicians don’t seem to recognise or acknowledge the values and the amazing assets that they have the mandate to look after, and they don’t seem to have faith in themselves.

As my mate, Paul Mirbach, who I was at school with in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, who now lives in Israel said….

“When the issue of gas emissions is what topples governments, you know that you are living in some kind of paradise.”
Posted on August 25, 2018

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