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7 Steps to Magic Marketing

Take the mystery out of your marketing and increase your leads, then sales and profits … dramatically.
For most business owners, at best, marketing is a mystery and at worst an annoying line in their Profit & Loss that never seems quite justified.
But marketing is much more than any of that … In fact, marketing is YOUR ANSWER to:
● increasing the number of leads coming into your business
● increasing the quality of the leads coming into your business
● increasing your sales and your gross revenue per annum
● growing your profits, the dollars into your own back pocket for you and your family
● improving and differentiating your brand so your prospects come banging on your door verses one of your competitors.
This list could go on and on. Marketing is literally the ‘be all and end all’ to how to build and develop the strongest, most profitable, most enjoyable business possible for anyone committed to success.
… But there’s an IF …
Marketing is all this, IF and only if you ‘know how’.
In fact, without that ‘know how’ – you may have already blown good money after bad wasting time and effort on hiring marketing “consultants” or “business development people”, who failed to produce any of these results.
In the last 5 or so years as I’ve worked with business owners, I’ve seen one thing over and over again.
You’re typically great at what your business does …
Not so great at marketing.
As such, you are missing opportunities left and right for leads, sales and increased revenue, and profits, even quality of life!
If you’re like most business owners, that’s only because you’ve simply never been taught that all-important marketing ‘know how’.
That’s why we’ve decided to change all that over a 2 hour, solid, “how to”, information packed Workshop – a Workshop that finally gives you and your team that all important knowledge that unlocks the keys to winning marketing. Tickets are valued at $189.00, yours complimentary if you are the owner of a business with 5 + staff, generating over $500K pa in gross revenue.
Benefit from the “7 Steps to Magic Marketing!” Workshop’ …
You’re invited to benefit from your own ‘7 Steps to Magic Marketing Workshop’. At this event, held on site at your business as a private, highly personalized, VIP session you will discover the how to’s of marketing once and for all.
Please be thoroughly clear: this is not a “chat fest” this is a WORK-SHOP – you and any staff who attend will be working on – by that I mean actually brainstorming and creating various branding, strategy and marketing materials over our time together – as well as learning new insights into key marketing concepts and other ‘how to’s’.
7 Steps to Magic Marketing Workshop – The Keys to Your Growth

During this Workshop we’ll work through many topics, here’s just a few that will translate to much better marketing results:

● The 4 X-factors of healthy growth
● The ‘Growth Equation’ – why your numbers are key, including the statistics critical to planning your success before you market
● The small business advantage & the small business dilemma – plus, what to do about it!
● What’s your marketing mindset? And, why that matters.
● Your marketing attraction strategy
● THE 7 steps to magic marketing
● 3 Key marketing outcomes
● The Top 7 marketing mistakes
● Understanding a customer’s buying formula
● Critical touch points
● What’s your USP?
THE Marketing MUST
● Communication Leverage – get more results from less!
● Your ‘MAP’: Marketing Activity Plan – activity is the KEY!
Consider the power of you learning this ‘know how’ for yourself…
Don’t worry – you don’t need to be the “creative type”.
For a lot of business owners, marketing seems so foreign because it’s outside their normal scope. Not to worry, you don’t need to be the creative type to benefit from this unique Workshop (in fact, we’ve done a lot of that work for you so you can move quickly and easily to implement these ideas and benefit.)
Remember too: just as you’ve spent years honing your skills at what you do, we’ve done the same in helping people unlock the keys to how to grow their businesses, just as we’ll do during this Workshop with you.
You’ll need to act quickly.
We’ve condensed what’s required to improve your marketing dramatically into just a 2 hour Lunch and Learn. You will have all the answers you need to years of successful marketing and most importantly – business growth in leads, sales and profits. Available bookings are limited – please do act quickly by clicking on the link to book.
Thanks in advance and we look forward hopefully to working more closely with you shortly to grow your leads, your sales and your business.!
Warm regards,
Ivan Ang
10X Business Coach
Posted on January 13, 2015

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