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Referron fixes  v2 

Connect page

“New contact”

“Send business card”


Should default to this screen 

Connect page should be on one page – currently you have to move up and down  to connect 

Message – should be included in sms to user

sms (and ideally email ) should say

Hey (name) great to connect. Looking forward to collaborate. (Message) Please download my business card to your phonebook https://members.referron.com/bsivc regards (user)

There should be a button to identify whether you want to send to recipient or to save to phone book 

When press connect button – this gets added as a connection and to activity summary 

Would be cool to have a template button that goes to a series of templates for message (same for referral message) (next stage) 


Hamburger index should be as follows 


My profile


Photo goes upside down – needs to be fixed

There should be a line for linkedinprofile –

This should upload your business card https://members.referron.com/bsivc

Connection page 


Add new connection – link to connect /send business card page – 

Should be cached for speed with a button to sync to server 

Business card summary

Is good for now – as connections have last 20 transactions – refer goes to connections page 

Refer page 

Templates for message – cool to have 

Need to have choice to send to seeker or send to business 


When you refer – it goes to connections page


Delete refer new contact from this page – new contact will be added from connect or send business card page 

When referring from phonebook

Change add new contact to add to referral 


Add to activity summary

When a referral is made – add sender and business to activity summary 

Connections on the go (game changer)

Next phase

People in room press “connections on the go “- and those that have also pressed connections on the go – will be populated on a list – people can then add those connections to referron …. this would be added to connection summary (game changer)

Bump – if they have activated connections on the go / they can bump phones to add each other (linked use qr code – not great experience) 

Rating and Search function for people -cool (next phase)

Monetising activity report – premium version – (next phase)

Once app is good – when someone signs up – option to go to phonebook

“Hey name, click here to download referron and upload your profile – so I can rate you and refer you business …. best (user) 

Posted on November 24, 2019

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