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A 3 step process to Improving your Well Being

The year to 30 June 2009 has effected many peoples lives. Stocks have crashed, there has been a GFC (Global Financial Crisis) and people have a sense of caution and nervousness.

In my view, the next 12 months to 30 June 2010 has the opportunity for people to improve their welll being in ways that they did not think possible.

How does one start with the road to self improvement?

The following is a 3 step plan to get positive changes in your life happening:-

Step 1

Decide on the three most important things in your life. List them quickly without too much thought, because often your first reaction will be what’s really important. The list are examples that come to mind:-
• Spend more time with your family
• Financial independence
• Health and fitness
• Purposeful work and activity
• Self improvement
• Spiritual growth
• Social connections/expanding and communicating to your network
• Contribution to society

Step 2

Write down a series of actions that you will do to improve in these areas and tell people around you what you plan to do. Put this on your blog/facebook/twitter…. I told everyone that I was going to get fit on my twitter and facebook…. Got heaps of encouragement… I am now on a mission!! This reinforces your commitment and gets your friends and family to help you reach your goal

Step 3

Get a friend/couch/mentor/spouse/financial planner to check your progress. Look over your action list regularly and note any changes — even small ones (they may still be very powerful). For example,
• if you chose ‘Spending more time with your Family’ as an important area you wanted to change, organize a walk along the Northern Beaches on a Sunday.
• If you chose financial independence – read relevant books/articles on financial wealth – find a financial planner that can relate to your financial situation/goals and objectives.
• If you choose health and fitness.. make a commitment to spend an hour 3 times a week, walking/running/gyming/cycling or do what you enjoy doing.

Start now!!
If procrastination is your enemy, make a decision to overcome it and do something different RIGHT NOW. The biggest Disease is FTI – Failure to Implement!!

One small step could mean a massive lleap towards improving the most important aspects of your life.

Leverage in Action!!

Posted on July 22, 2009

One response to “A 3 step process to Improving your Well Being”

  1. Iggy Pintado says:

    Excellent post, Ivan. I particularly enjoyed the FTI disease concept.

    Cheers, Iggy

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