A prescription for the Australian economy
Australia’s successful future is based on policies and not personalities of our politicians!
Australia should continue to sell all the underground treasures it can to fast-growing developing nations. But in the long run, it’s more important for the country to cultivate what’s above ground. Australia’s future lies in ideas, innovation and the ingenuity of its 23 million people – not in a China that’s ripe for a crash.
The key for Australia is to return to the liberalising instincts of the 1980s and 1990s, when there was no behemoth gobbling up resources at record prices.
Opportunities for transitioning back to a non-mining economy abound.
Boosting funding for research and development and exports, continue to upskill our workforce and provide opportunities to our skilled workforce who are leaving our shores to seek opportunities overseas, will create high-paying jobs in technology, science and education.
Australia boasts great exporting potential in
- agriculture,
- medical supplies
- high-end machinery.
- technology
- tourism
Posted on June 30, 2013
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