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Ark Informer January 13

Welcome to the first Ark Informer of 2013. The Ark Team are holding a really useful 30 minute webinar on the “top 5 Wealth Tips for 2013” on Wed 23rd Jan @ 6pm and Thurs 24th Jan @ 12:30pm. See below for more details. (Click on dates to register).

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January 2013 – A Webinar to kickstart 2013
Welcome to the first of our education webinars for 2013.

In this webinar we unveil 5 effective strategies to help you manage and build your wealth in 2013. 

In 30 minutes, we will cover the following;

1. Simple tips to help reduce your individual tax

2. A review of Home Loan Structures and a look at what interest rate you should be paying

3. An analysis of where you should invest your super and a look at some of the best funds from 2012

4. Where to put your excess savings? Looking at alternatives to cash. 

5. How to organise and manage your finances easily

These top 5 tips sound very generic and simple… and they are. They are not designed to be high risk or complex but to help you along your wealth journey. 

At the end of the webinar, all participants will receive a copy of our new e-book ‘Wealth Planning for Young Accumulators’. 

If you can’t make the allocated times, just ‘click for an advisor’ on the right and we can send you the relevant information.


Top 5 Wealth tips for 2013
Duration: 30mins 
Posted on January 17, 2013

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