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Asking Private Equity where to put $1m!

If I had $1m to invest today….. where would I be investing… in Equity Markets (now at an all time low), in Cash, In private equity or in Innovation? Would be interested to hear your views
Posted 3 days ago | Delete discussion

Comments (14)

Jack Ma
Stanford University Graduate School of Business
I’d sell 2011 or further out puts on Nasdaq 100, buy pure gold coins, then buy a distressed property in a great location.
Posted 3 days ago

Kenneth Kepp
Merchant Banking
At this stage I believe that if you are in cash you should stay at 30% in cash and look for selected investments in distressed assets, both direct investments and investments in funds and companies that will specialize in that market.
Posted 3 days ago

Andrey Kocheshkov
chief economist at Micex
I agree with Kenneth!
I.e. in Russia price for comercial real estate fall down but demand and rental rates grow up.
Posted 2 days ago

eric lefebvre
Management consultant – Strategy – Organisation
Well Russia is obviously not the right spot for investment … seriously wait a bit for equities since it will go down to the same level of the last burst after the internet bubble so still -20% to -30% to go … then buy stocks …
Posted 2 days ago

Kirk Sanders
C-Level Executive of Startup and Emerging Companies 720-320-4961 sanders.kirk@gmail.com
If $1M is all the money than be smart and patient. Don’t try and pick the bottom in stocks and bond market but be ready to invest in discounted AAA grade investments when at least a bottom has been indicated. Let the market do this. But what I would be doing now is looking for excellent innovation investments for about 20-25% of total amount. Innovation is the place!
Posted 2 days ago

Ingrid Moughal, GRI
Intl. Real Estate Brokerage – www hudsonpearl com
BUY LAND! How about agricultural land?
Brad Kelley (7th largest landowner in the US),
Ted Turner (CNN founder and the Nations largest private landowner)
and Jeff Bezos (Amazon founder) did.
Posted 2 days ago

John Frankel
Founder of ff Asset Management
I would not buy equities yet. It is too early to call a bottom and until we have capitulation (and this week was not it!!!) then don’t buy. Cash is good for preservation of capital, but I also like early stage venture – I am biased as I am raising funds for such a fund – but really the next couple of years should be a great part of the cycle to make money in early stage venture.
Posted 2 days ago

Saman Dias
NorthPoint Real Estate Investment Services, Executive Vice President President
I agree with John.

Early stage Software as Servicers Web 2.0 real estate related site could be a very good investment

Dave Moskowitz MD [dwmoskowitz@hotmail.com]
CEO at GenoMed, Inc.
In my company. We expect a 1,000-fold ROI. We’re about to pop.
Posted 2 days ago

Andrew Kyle
Business Development, Pommerville Research Ltd
I’d follow Warren Buffet and look for:
1. Devalued dividend stocks
2. New health care products for baby boomers/cardiac care
Posted 2 days ago

Barry Bryant
massmediamobile: The Masses Control the Media
Proximity mobile media. Assured technology with an ecosystem backed by wireless and credit issuing banks. We’re the only company with a depth of lateral industry knowledge and proprietary patent pending technology to deliver.

Perhaps you will enjoy my rants on mobile media and wireless.

I will take this opportunity to invite you to the group massmediamobile, here on Linked[In] and connect with me.

Vyas Cm
Head- Home Sales (Def & Govt)
I would buy into plantations. Coffee plantations to be specific. In India they give a steady 6-8% returns annually apart from appreciation in the Capital value of the land.

I am recommending this despite a sizeable percentage of my investments being in equities ( which I believe will recover over time) and mutual funds (which will piggy back on a recovering equity market).

Indian Equity markets are in a better shape than most others. They are at a long term bottom. There is limited downside from here on. But to reverse considerably, the sentiment has to improve considerably. That will take time but it is a sure to do so.
Posted 1 day ago

Adil Iftikhar
Strategic development head – Banking, Energy Sector
I have good place for better return – Green project in Europe with fantastic returns, if you realy want to invest bit of it then communicate with me on adiliftikhar@ yahoo.com

Sharaf Dabbagh
Founder – CEO Taaheel FZ. LLC.,Duabi, UAE. / CO- Founder Arab Beverages Association / Publisher, Arab Bev Magazine
interesting question, bright comments, I would go 25% innovation, it is medium to long term, stocks and bonds 25% in a few weeks when it hits the bottom, the rest Cash.
Posted 1 day ago

Sharanjit Singh Thind
Founder & Chairman NWAM
If I were you, will keep 40% in cash , put in 15-20% in Blue Chip Stocks on DJ Or Nasdaq (Trading at all time lows) and will think market is closed for next years. I will move in 15-20 in buying distressed property/s at 40 cents on $.

Last thing I will do is to move my money to Emerging Countries , Brick countries or Gold (Might crash 20-30% anytime).
Posted 1 day ago

Gill Eapen
Founder and Managing Principal, Decision Options, LLC.
Capital allocation is a function of required return and risk tolerance. There are no magical % numbers. It depends very much on what the risk and return required by the capital
Posted 23 hours ago

Posted on October 13, 2008

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