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Become a founding member of a BBG chapter

As you know, BSI has been helping Entrepreneurs create their generational legacies and growth, through education, collaboration and connection … connecting them with the right people and the right money.

I have also probably connected with you on referron and/or  linked in , and  you have already downloaded and used these amazing tools… but have not yet extracted the maximum benefit from them.   I cannot begin to tell you how these tools have helped me build my business! 
The power of warm referrals work!  
That’s why I’m really excited to announce a new partnership with Geoff Hirsh,  to help you grow your business via a powerful referral marketing community called the Business Builders Group (BBG).
Maybe you have been to networking events or referral groups before and found them to be less than effective for attracting leads and customers……
BBG is completely different.
The BBG Process is specifically designed to overcome the key challenges that business owners and executives face when attracting referrals … through their Community, unique BBG Structure, Professional Mentoring and Best of Breed Tools.
We have held a series of BBG Breakfast Briefing over the past few months and the response and feedback has been amazing, (breakfast and drinks sold out) with 40% of attendees asking to know more with a view to becoming a member of a Chapter, and we are in the process of creating our 5th BBG Chapter!
There has been an amazing amount of interest and positive feedback in BBG, and as a result.  we will be hosting further briefing session during May and June.
Please join us for breakfast or lunch during one of our briefings – click here to register http://bbgevents.net/
Posted on May 5, 2016

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Ph: 02 9126 9100  Email: info@bsi.com.au
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Sydney NSW 2000

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