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Bob Pritchard shares his recipe in building a successful startup

1. The idea product or service
2. The Timing, 
3. The team, 
4. The business model 
5. The Funding 

1. Have a clear vision and take action

Have a clear vision of what needs to get done, marshal the resources to do it (inspire them to willingly and enthusiastically participate).  

Then get off your ass and go do it.

Set SMART goals , develop strategies to achieve those goals and specific tasks to implement those strategies 
SMART – who does what, by when – goals and tasks must be specific , measurable , accountable , realistic and timely

2. Zoom in on a problem to figure out the root cause and then zoom out to see all of the possible solutions – the hot seat! 

3. develop multi-functional thinking.
The power of the mastermind and balanced growth. I traction of the team – do a Kolbe profile 

4. Be persistent
Your mantra must be “never quit, never give up.” Push through…. As long as you are certain of your vision and mission! However, if you fail learn from your mistakes – don’t do the same thing again!

5. Selecting and developing the right people 
If you don’t get the absolute best people, then you will get second rate performance 

6. Have a focused work ethic.
Working hard and smart, taking initiative, going the extra mile.

7. Be reliable, responsible and totally committed.   When the best people say they’ll do something, they do it. And when things go wrong, they don’t make excuses or blame others. Getting it done is more important than perfection.

8. Hone your organizational skills. 
Organize your resources to deliver the results on time and on budget on a consistent basis. (SYSTEMS)

Posted on May 2, 2015

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