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BSI Showcases the 14th BSI Investor Forum in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane- Where Innovation Meets Capital

7 Innovative Companies presented at the 14th BSI Investor Forum (The Spring 06 Collection)

With the support of Victoria’s Innovative Vicstart Programme, BSI showcased the 14th BSI Investor Forum at the Crown in Melbourne.

for more pictures see BSI Investor Forum

Presenters and the BSI Team doing the 14th BSI Investor Forum Roadshow in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane

Steve Rafter and Anthony of CBTV
Steve Rafter founded CBTV, a producer and broadcaster of niche content, such as technology- based educational content exclusively for the internet, with the revenue model based on advertising before and after each session which is broken up into 3-5 minute bytes to meet consumer demand. 5 Episodes have been prototyped with 3-5 thousand hits per day. Partners include M&C Saatchi, Hot House, DCITA. Advertisers could include Canon, Sony, Samsung, Qantas, Harvey Norman and Motor Dealers.

David Wong presented the E2E It opportunity. E2E IT provides wireless temperature monitoring solutions with its patented product Temp Track. Temp Track automates temperature monitoring and recording 24/7 and provides auditable records for temperature management. The system is scalable, easy to install and unique in design and performance. Customers can include Health Companies for Vaccine Wastage prevention, Pharmaceutical Industry, Hospitals, Food Manufacturers. International Expansion via Distributors. ETE is a spinoff from Ericssons R&D Centre in Melbourne.

Gary Smith of WinappTechnology presented the Echo opportunity, an administration tool that sits on top of Sharepoint. Echo is currently selling to large corporates in Australia, Europe and the USA. Gary is seeking capital to develop the USA infrastructure to capitalise on the growth of Sharepoint 2007

Dieter Bohm of Catchlog and Ian McManus of My Business Manager
Dieter Bohm, a fisherman by trade, founded CATCHLOG, and has built a best of breed Fishing Vessel Management System, which includes, amongst other functions an Electronic Logbook, Catch Analysis, Industry Benchmarking, Stores Inventory and Maintenance. The system includes a government approved electronic logbook, authorised by Australian Fish Management AUthority (AFMA) and Dept of Primary Industries and Fisheries. The product is easy to install and productive from day 1. The Value Proposition to the Ships Captain (Increase focus on fishing – less time on admministration) Government (Accurate real time data, analysis of fishong stocks, Fleet (asset management capability and real time catch position analysis, and Environmentalists (Data to track endangered species). The first installation occurred in 2005, and currently 80% (70) of Northern Prawn Fisheries are using the system. The Catchlog Suite is a must for all Commercial Fisherman. Funding is being sort to take Catchlog International.
Ian Mcmanus presented My Business Manager, which provides real time dashboard reporting that links in with major accounting software such as MYOB, Quickbooks and Pastel. It takes accounting data and transforms it into management reports in minutes. My Business Manager has been developed with the SME in Mind. For an upfront fee of $399 and $100pa , the small business manager will get reports that are easy to understand, and will impress investors and bank managers. It enables the SME to make informed decisions, and is based on the premise “what you can measure you can manage”. The product is intended to be rolled out via accountants, VARS of accounting packages, bookkeepers, direct sales from Eb and referrals.

Branka Korac and a team of 8 have developed and commercialisedPortfolio Business Technology, a scalable enhancement to powerpoint. It currently has 30 blue chip corporate clients in Australia, and is now looking to expand Globally. PBT will scale through Direct Sales, Targeted Distribution Channels and the Web

MHelp replaces text help with full Multimedia help using a combination of animation, audio and graphics to provide a step by step easy to follow format within a 1-3 minute movie clip. Increased productivity, improving skill base, retention of knowledge and improved business processes creates a powerful business case for large corporations to use MHELP.
John Crossley and Sandra D’Souza of Varietee and David Ehrlich of MBill
David Ehrlich presented the MBILL opportunity.

MBILL has created a mobile marketing and billing platform that has already integrated with 90% of US and UK Mobiles. It is currently seeking funding for a USA Rollout.

John Crossley and Sandra D’Souza founded Varietee which has developed a patented adjustable golf platform that enables you to practice your golf sewing from a variety of positions. The product can be installed at home for the avid golfer, or at Golf Clubs or Golf Ranges.

Posted on February 7, 2007

2 responses to “BSI Showcases the 14th BSI Investor Forum in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane- Where Innovation Meets Capital”

  1. Cashlin says:

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  2. John Disuja says:

    Well,thanks for the info!!!

    capital raising

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