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Can Australia and NZ hitch a ride on the back of Indonesia’s growth?

NZ – PWC Economic Director, Chris Money suggests that NZ growth will come from China, Indonesia, Mexico and Russia – which are forecast to be amongst the fastest growing countries to 2050

Indonesia is powering ahead , writes Adam  Creightan of Acuity … can Australia’s economy hitch a ride? 

Since the GFC, Indonesia has grown 5% per year, and by 2050, is expected to be the 5th largest economy  after China, India and the USA, (PWC World in 2050) – with Australia moving from 19th to 28th!
There is a massive disconnect where Australia invests and where it trades.

 Most investment is in USA and Europe but most of its trade is in Asia… this needs to change for Australia to thrive –

There is more to Indonesia than Bali, Beef and Boats, says Adam.
The Australian Brand in Indonesia is recognised and appreciated for governance, quality and standards. AUstralia can provide value and contribute to Indonesia’s growth in financial services, mining services, education and health care.

There are significant opportunities in Agriculture and Infrastructure, and if Australia wants to play a part, it has to understand the Indonesian culture, work with them in a positive way,  and look to invest in their growth. 

Posted on April 9, 2015

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