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Clinivid – sydney startup raises $350k to make doctors collaborate more effectively

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Sydney founder Dr Katja Beitat has secured $350,000 in seed funding to develop a video and communications platform for health professionals to accelerate decision-making and improve patience care around the world. 

The investment was led by Sydney-based venture capital firm Right Click Capital.

Beitat says Clinivid was “born out of frustration” with one of healthcare’s biggest issues: “communication breakdowns”

According to Beitat, these are a “huge contributing factor” to most problems that arise in the healthcare space. 

“It all accumulates to delays [and] has a serious impact on patient care and quality,” Beitat tells StartupSmart. 

Beitat, who began developing Clinivid about 18 months ago, has spent nearly a decade working for the New South Wales Health Care Complaints Commission. 

“We dealt with everything that goes wrong with healthcare,” she says. 
Clinivid enables clinicians to send video information about patients through an app that doesn’t disturb the recipient like a phone call would, says Beitat. 

“An oncologist having to tell a patient they have terminal illness then gets interrupted by a phone call [to discuss another case is] something that happens every single day,” she says. 

Clinivid is also designed for users to see when a message has been read, communicate instantly on patient cases, and assign tasks on urgent matters without compromising patient data confidentiality. 

“This is a simple alternative that is safe and secure,” she says. 

After meeting co-founder Minh Lee at Fishburners and receiving a government grant, Beitat says they developed a minimum viable product aimed at clinicians dealing with pathology and imaging results. Read the full article here…

Posted on May 31, 2017

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