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Do You Love or Hate Your Job?

Survey Highlights:

  • 6 out of 10 employees are now ACTIVELY looking for a new job! Half revealing that better career options elsewhere were their main motivation for leaving.
  • 1 out of 4 said they wanted more responsibility within their roles.
  • 1 out of 5 said they were simply bored with their current jobs.

This all points to one solution – more, better and (FUN?) training

Administrative staff are some of the most crucial parts of day-to-day operations for a business and it can be significantly costly to replace them. Especially if more than one admin staff member leaves at the same time. When that happens, it can cripple an already vulnerable small business.

But the answer isn’t as complicated or expensive as some employers might fear.

The survey reveals 44% of workers would like to participate in other aspects of the business, 37% want to attend conferences and other events and 25% want a mentor.

Most of these policies can be introduced without seriously affecting the bottom line. In fact, such investments have been shown to give considerable Return On Investment (ROI).

Encouragingly, the survey shows:

  •  6 out of 10 employees feel training courses could help their career,
  • 1 out of 2 said their morale would be given a boost if they had access to more training.

All of this is especially important for Generation Y employees, because they’re looking at career development and want to have an outline of what’s going to happen with them over the next 12 to 24 months. Often, just discussing the expectations and plans is enough to suppress the desire to look elsewhere for direction (or a new job!).

That’s where our alliance with Dr Marc Dussault comes in – we were searching for a fresh, new solution – something completely out of the proverbial box.

Our first collaboration is providing a “1 Day Mini MBA” as a bonus to an ACCREDITED Diploma Of Management Program. Promoted within a federal government initiative to re-skill Australians, you can obtain both for FREE.

For more information on this first-time opportunity, click here.

At BSI, we’re committed to helping both
employees who want to advance their careers
as well as assisting employers with the on-going
responsibility of staff empowerment and
job enrichment crucial to keeping great staff.

Over the next few weeks and months, we plan to bring you a range of opportunities and solutions to this problem.

As Albert Einstein put it so well “The thinking that got you IN the predicament you’re in, is not the thinking that will get you OUT of it” .

That’s why we’re working closely with Dr Marc Dussault, to introduce you to Exponential Mindset Thinking where boundless opportunities don’t just become possible, they are probable as your thinking shifts to get you from where you are to where you would rather to be.

As we know, every journey begins with a single step. Thank you for taking this first step with us, being involved in this dialogue.

We look forward to having fun with you to make sure you reach your ultimate career and professional destination.


Unlike what many people like to believe, ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away.

As an employee…
When it comes to your career or profession, the onus is on you to manage and develop it as you wish. Marc calls it “living a life by design rather than evolving by default.”

You need to make the decision NOW to get on the career path you want to be on.

As an employer…
You have the responsibility to seek out opportunities to leverage your support and access to government incentive programs and other valuable sources on behalf of your staff. They don’t just want it – they expect it.

Your investment in people pays off – in the short term with less turnover and greater loyalty and in the long term with greater productivity, involvement and contribution.

I know it sounds trite, but it’s true Together Everyone Achieves More.

BSI wants to be part of your career and professional development T.E.A.M.

Posted on March 31, 2011

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Sydney NSW 2000

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