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Finding a job in Sydney

Please post your comments on this blog, so as to assist others in finding a good position. If you isagree with my comments and have other suggestions.. feel free to comment….
the key is …. to comment!!!!

Question from Anneliese
Folks, I dont know if its just me, or if there are more people out there as frustrated as I am. We moved to Australia in January 2009, and within 3 months I started applying for roles in the financial sector. By now I must have applied for more than a 50 positions, and I havent got as much as a call back, let alone a interview!. I am financially qualified and have relevant experience, albeit not that recent.
What am I doing wrong?. If there is someone that was in a similar position can you please advise me what/how to do this.
Ivan’s Comments
I believe that it is key to network… go to functions, events and seminars where you can meet and network with people…. the more you get out there and meet people… the better chance you will have in those people referring you as a potential candidate.
People will recommend people… CVs, no matter how good they are, may get you an appointment…. if someone refers you for a position, you will have an excellent chance in getting that job!!
1. Spend time and write down your ideal position, the company you would like to work for, the industry you would like to work for…..
2. Write down the salary you want, and where you want to be in 3 years time…
3. Research the relevant companies in that industry…. narrow it down to 20 companies…
4. Research those companies… who is the CEO, CFO, Shareholders… what their issues are, who are their consultants….. the decision makers likes and dislikes….
5. Get to meet them… (invite them for a coffee – your shout!!)
If they dont employ you… I am sure they will refer you to someone who will
Posted on May 15, 2010

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