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focus or fail – Mick Liubinskas Pollenizer cebit 08

Mick Liubinskas – Pollenizer Helps companies with there technical strategies and then gets involved and implements them!

1 in 100,000 companies will hit that home run – to do that – one of the key things is to be laser focussed

kazaa millions of downloads… but failed because of no focus. too many distractions, 300m downloads, millions of users – but underachieved
facebook facebook – 3 features, 20,000 people – very focussed

there is ++ competition – to be succesful – you need to have laser focus – or get crunched by the competition

customers like the fact that you are laser focussed
there are 3 things that get you focussed –
sacrifice, sequence and focus on the core vs the crap

sacrifices – there are many choices – rather be narrow and deep vs wide and shallow

example – Atlassian – being laser focussed – created a big business in a target area.

2. Get Sequences right –

1. University
2. Lots of Universities
3. Highschools
4. Workplace

Booking angel – pay per booking 0 initially focussing on one market – restaurants
Martian Logic – initially focussing on recruitment companies

social business
1. individual value (wifm)
2. group value
3. community value

If too many balls in the air – too busy juggling than focussing on your core strength and making that happen

Get your core utility right – the absolute must have – get this cranking and you will win
then the support
outer circle mostly crap – but where ++ money is spent

How to Focus:-

1. Know your purpose
guy kawasaki – know your meaning – what you are about

2. test test test test

3. patience and persistance – keep turning the crank and don’t give up.

Posted on May 23, 2008

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