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Forced Commitment

There is nothing like a looming deadline to get you focussed and into action. Basically, if left to my own devices I will sit and play with the kids all day, go to the movies, lose myself in a book, or have endless coffee stops with friends.

Equally, in business, if I allow myself each day to just make up what I am going to do, I won’t make the best use of my time. This is why I force commit myself in advance.

This idea of forced commitments works well from a personal productivity point of view. Such as… schedule time with myself, schedule time to exercise, etc. The idea works equally well for the business as well.

In a practice based business, the revenue is attached to personal energy and activities. If you don’t work, you don’t earn. This is not a problem because you earn a lot of money, work for 10 years, invest your income in capital growth assets and you never have to work another day in your life unless you want to. You don’t need to buy into the myth of the e-myth which is that businesses equal freedom. (Often business owners feel the exact opposite).

However, you do need to keep the commitments up. Here are some commitments.

  • Pick a date and advertise a public workshop, then work like crazy to fill it.
  • Set aside a day a week for 1-on-1 meetings, then fill up the day.
  • Commit to 2 networking events a month and to 1 showcase event every two months.
  • Schedule a 90-day luncheon, then worry about who will come, etc.
  • Commit to more staff than you need and then work like crazy to make their investment a dollar-productive one.

The business of Thought Leadership requires a high level of personal commitment. Stay on the ball by committing to more and then meeting the commitments.

So what are you waiting for? Commit!


Matt Church is the founder of Thought Leaders Global and the author of several best selling books on leadership. Experts become thought leaders at the Thought Leaders Business School. www.tlbusinessschool.com

Posted on April 6, 2015

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