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Gems from the 2nd Session of the BSI Mastermind Groups on Leadership

We are currently hosting Mastermind group around the country …Here are some snippets of week 2:- 

The Law of Process:-

  • Consistent effort, no matter how small, sparks magic, fills sails, butters bread, turns tides, instills faith, summons friends, improves health, burns calories, creates abundance, yields clarity, builds courage, spins planets and rewrites destinies!
  • A review of a daily diary will give you an indication of the success of a person.
  • Discussion of your personal and professional goals – what are they… write them down – how are you going to achieve them? by when? what are you going to do? what is the next step? (start on monday!!)
  • Discussion of Jim Collins Good to Great – what makes a great leader – internally appointed,  aligned team, respect and trust of team who are aligned and clear on the vision and direction – on the same bus.
  • Discussion of Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers – 10,000 hours to become an expert – Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan etc…. 
  • Discussion of Eckhardt Tolls ” The Power of Now” – Although Planning and Goal setting is important and direction setting is key…. focus on the activity that you are doing – smell the roses…. its not about attaining the goal… its about appreciating tthe journey. 
  • Discussion on – what you sew is what you reap – Thanks Tony!
  • Love what you do, and do it with focussed attention and pride… how can a gorbo be happy and a CEO of a conglomerate miserable!! What is the measure of success.
The Law of Navigation 
  • A leader determines the course – a manager steers it – both important
The law of Addition 
  • Add value to those around you 
  • Try doing it without expecting rewards!! 
  • Do the washing/cleaning ironing!! The little things matter
  • JB writing notes to his team with a fountain pen and smart paper!!!

The power of these network mastermind group is to lift each other p, support each other and build each other

Powerful session!

If you are interested in being part of a mastermind group, click here

Posted on October 18, 2011

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