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Give your audience the wow factor

From Matt Church 
Here are 3 ideas you can use to make your big audience presentations more…..WOW!
  • Obsess about your message
  • Design a process for the speech
  • Create a conversation
Let me explain: 

1.   Obsess about your message 
Anyone can tell you about the person who impressed them on stage but broke all the rules. They didn’t move from the lectern, they didn’t have a modulated voice and they jingled keys in their pocket whilst they spoke. They broke all the rules!  

they were totally compelling….
It’s because they had something to say that you wanted to hear. Do not get up to speak until you have first spent some time thinking.

2.   Design a process for the speech 
Once you are clear about WHAT you want to say then start thinking through HOW you will say it. Don’t think about techniques like where you will stand and how loud you will speak but rather 
‘What is the emotional or story journey that the audience will travel along?’ Make sure that at least every 7 minutes there is a major energy shift. Highs and lows, ups and downs, fast and slow.

3.  Create a conversation 
The best public speakers make you feel like they wrote the speech just for you. The key to making this happen is to be in conversation with your audience. Three ways you can do this:

  • Interview a few people before you turn up so that you understand what they are going through and use these examples in your speech
  • Ask rhetorical questions that demonstrate an understanding of their world
  • Start your presentation in the room and walk into the audience throughout your presentation
Work harder on speaking better in public and take your message to a new level.
Matt Church is the founder of Thought Leaders Global and the author of several best selling books on leadership. Experts become thought leaders at the Thought Leaders Business School. www.tlbusinessschool.com
Posted on March 12, 2015

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