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Hear See Do

I saw an excellent quote in a book I was reading that was on the lounge table of my mentor Allen Pathmarajah in Singapore.

“Hearing something 100 times is not as good as seeing it once.
Seeing something 100 times is not as good as doing it once “

Research indicates that we retain only 10% of what we hear; 20% of what we see; 65% of what we hear and see; but 90% of what we hear, see, and do.

Knowledge is useless and unproductive unless you do something with it.
It’s only when we act on the data, facts and information and apply them, that we in fact gain experience.

Here are a few simple yet profound truths about experience:

We learn from our experiences.

If they are positive, we tend to repeat them again and again until we become proficient and our skill levels increase.

If they are negative, we file them away in the back of our minds as cautions or red flags to be recalled when a potentially dangerous situation threatens.

To experience is to be actively involved. An experience is gained when one becomes engaged in an activity or are constantly involved with people over a period of time.

Experiences are dynamic. It’s really up to us to take charge of our experiences and not let them just happen to us.

We are shaped by our experiences.

We impact others through our experiences. When we demonstrate an increased ability to work collaboratively with others, their experience levels increase also.

Experiences are the foundation of success. Success results when we apply the invaluable lessons we learn from our experiences and move forward.

It’s ok to fail – it is part o our experience , and it is only negative if we do not learn from it. If you take action to rectify the reason for the failure , you will be on a trajectory path to success!

Moral of the story – Is to act…. But make sure you act with knowledge! Do not listen to the cynics and do not be afraid to dream!

Article Source of inspiration http://EzineArticles.com/55843

Posted on March 16, 2013

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