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How many times have you heard that it’s about the journey not the destination?

Well it’s true!!! 
Loving the journey is the key to happiness. 
2 reasons for loving the journey
1. Being happy 99pc of the time is better than being happy 1 pc of the time 
If you are focussed on achieving the goal so that when you achieve it you will be happy….. You will be happy for 1 pc of the time …. And the other 99pc, you will be in pain focussed on achieving your goal not being where you want to be

2. Happiness makes you more engaged 
If I enjoy my training, work or whatever I’m doing, and I love it, then I’m going to be enjoy it all along the way.
Enjoying the journey will help you achieve your desired goal faster, and the process will be a lot more pleasant! 
So what is the magic formula? What is the mindshift change? 
Change ” I have to” …. To “I get to
In our society, we are brainwashed to be unhappy. Rebrainwash yourself . 
  • I have to go to work to I get to go to work 
  • I have to go to gym to I get to go to gym
  • I have to study to I get to study with awesome people! 
  • I have to get up to I get to get up 
  • I  have to train  to I get to train
  • I have to pay tax to I get to pay tax
  • I  have to go to visit my parents to I get to visit my parents 
You get the drift 
You can be happy pretty much doing anything. If you can learn to see the struggles as a privilege and love the process, you will be happy every day – up to and including the day you reach your end goal.
Posted on September 17, 2016

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