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How to double your productivity

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you have one really big problem:

Getting the important work done while you’re being constantly interrupted.

It’s a huge issue. Phone calls, emails, staff popping in, meetings… It’s amazing we get anything valuable done at all when we are interrupted this much.

So what’s the solution?

Well at The Fortune Institute we teach a super powerful multi-step system that significantly increases your productivity, but today I’d like to give you one important technique that can really increase your output and your income.

Leave the office often.


Work in coffee shops, the park, at home, a museum, anywhere that is quick to get to and easy to work in.

I suggest setting aside either 1 or 2 days every week where your staff know that you’ll be away but working – at least for half the day.

It will feel weird at first, but when you see how much more you get done you’ll be hooked.

You see, the office can be one of the most inefficient places to work of all. There’s so much paperwork, complexity and bureaucracy that occurs in the typical office, that it’s really easy to get sucked into doing stuff all day long that doesn’t really matter.

Get out of there. Escape. Calm down. And start focusing, uninterrupted, on what really counts in your business.

The other great benefit of working away from the office is how it affects your creative thinking. When you’re in a different environment you start thinking different thoughts. Novel solutions pop into your head. New ways of looking at things emerge. Breakthroughs occur because your mind is refreshed and rejuvenated by different surroundings.

Just try it, you’ll see.

Don’t spend your life chained to your desk. You’ll work far better (and feel much better) when you escape the office, at least once a week.

To your success,

Siimon- signature - TFI.png

Siimon Reynolds – the fortune institute 
Posted on July 16, 2016

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