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How to effectively market using Linked IN

This is some sage advice by Nate from Linked In

The 7 Steps to Generating Real, Targeted, and Profitable Business from LinkedIn
Posted on 02. Jul, 2009 by nate in How-tos

Creating a system and plan of action is the most important thing someone can do on LInkedIn to drive business.

If you don’t, you will spend all your time answering questions that are irrelevant to your end goals.

In order, the following 7 steps will drive you the most business on LInkedIn:

Know your objectives
Identify your Target Market/Titles/Companies/etc
Create interesting and compelling content this market would enjoy
Create a group around that content
Invite this market to your group (create thought leadership for yourself)
Integrate discussions and answers in other groups back to your group
Set up an offline capture system that allows you to communicate with this market more effectively
These steps are from many success stories we have created for ourselves and for clients.

Remember, being social is about building relationships. You can’t do this with a “What’s in it for Me” mentality, true relationships begin with giving; this is the starting point of creating real success on LinkedIn or any social media program.

I wish you well on your LInkedIn journey.



Posted on July 6, 2009

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