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How to find new business opportunities

It’s not rocket science.  The key ingredients to finding new opportunities are an open mind, observation, curiosity and some simple innovation tools and techniques. 

Here are some quick tips from Roger La Salle the developer of La Salle Matrix Thinking™.

Observe new trends and look at their implications.  For example an ageing population creates opportunities not only in health care, fitness and residential accommodation,

but in new co-living models and in many related services from home deliveries to entertainment, connectivity and travel.

Look for predictable behaviour.  

If a person buys a new car – invariably they go for a drive. 

Where are the opportunities?  

Hotels, motels, restaurants, garages, tourist destinations and others within a few hours drive can offer special deals through the car dealership.  Lots of opportunities here. 

Observe consistent and repetitive behaviour.  What do people do every day or frequently that represents an opportunity?  For example, many people commute to Melbourne using trains.  Yet it is still difficult to buy breakfast, coffee, newspapers and snacks on commuter trains.  
A long trip offers time to do something productive such as watch/listen to a seminar, learn first aid, study French, play chess, speed dating, share a common interest with other commuters.  
On a simple journey, there are plenty of untapped business opportunities for enterprising people. 

Future positioning.  Everything changes – and very few products, services and processes will be unchanged in the next few years. 

Consider how this will affect what you do today and your current 2 – 5 year plus business model.  Don’t just respond – lead the way.    

Hear Roger La Salle and learn more about Matrix Thinking at the Opportunity Café on 222nd November, 2013.  

The Opportunity Café is an action-packed event for innovators, start ups and budding entrepreneurs to help create, refine and fast track viable new ideas and opportunities.  It covers IP, the idea-to-market process, how to find funds and woo investors, collaborative pitches, innovation exercises and more! Check it out at www.trybooking.com/DLVW

Roger La Salle is a successful entrepreneur and technologist.  La Salle Matrix Thinking™ is a practical tool that provides ‘structure’ to creativity and uses ‘seeds’ and ‘catalysts’ to drive the thinking process.  He is a director of INNOVIC.  See www.innovic.com.au.

Contact:  Joss Evans, CEO INNOVIC
Tel: (03) 8060 3504
www.innovic.com.au        and www.nextbigthingaward.com.au

Posted on September 3, 2013

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